Kieren Armour first approached us about a Kelowna BC based system in early March 2020. He let us know about their space constraints, their utilities, and their budget, and we presented Kieren with a series of system options. Working through several iterations including combi units, an all-in-one brewhouse, and some imported options, the final system that met all the required criteria was a 10 Hectoliter brewhouse that we custom built in our Courtenay, BC shop.

Included in the build were a 10 Hectoliter mashtun with internal rakes and a spent grain removal plow, a 10 Hectoliter  kettle/whirlpool that is gas fired, and a 20 Hectoliter electrically heated hot liquor tank. Supplementing the tanks is a custom-
made stainless-steel platform, pumps, valves, piping, and a control panel with an HMI touchscreen.

One of the unique challenges to this project was Lakesider’s desire to install the brewhouse on a wooden floor that would receive a concrete overlay. This required additional beams to be installed under the original floor plus a special membrane to
prevent moisture migration. Taking this into account, all the tanks on the main floor had to be carefully designed and built so that the legs aligned with the new floor beams.

Another challenge that arose was the certification of the gas fired kettle/whirlpool by Technical Safety BC so that the final installation and gas connection would be readily acceptable to the local inspector.

The system shipped to Lakesider’s site mid-December 2020. Included in the project was an on-site system reassembly by a team of Innovative Stainless personnel in early January 2021.

Here are some pictures of the Lakesider Mashtun after fabrication, just one example of how we work closely with clients to achieve a high-quality final product that we are all proud of! Stay tuned for future pictures of the rest of the brewhouse and piping!